OUR GOAL Our representatives in Washington D.C. have a contract with the American People. Their powers and responsibilities are defined by it. Our rights, powers and liberties are protected by it. It is the highest Law in the land. Isn't it time they agreed to abide by it? Lets renew our contract. Lets ask them to read and sign their names to The DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE The U.S. CONSTITUTION & The BILL of RIGHTS |
Would our leaders today be willing to sign our Founding Documents? |
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."--
Thomas Jefferson
HOW CAN I HELP? Ask your Representatives to SIGN our FOUNDING DOCUMENTS Find your Representatives by entering your zip code here CONGRESS WEB |
Our Challenge We will be calling each representative and inviting them to sign. We will bring the documents anywhere whether in Washington DC or their home state to allow all representatives the opportunity to sign our replicas of the Founding Documents. We will also hold ourselves and our representatives to the agreements within our common contract and report when they abide by and when they breach the terms. |
www.willYOUsign.org |
Questions? Suggestions? News? CONTACT US contact@breedshill.org |